Below are some fun events we have scheduled for February. Additional events will be added to our event calendar. Log in to our website or app to see details and to sign up for any of our exciting outdoor adventures.
February 2022 Events
02/ 03, 10, 17, 24, 2022: Thursday Night Mountainbike Ride at OMSP
02/05/22: King's Chair Hike at Oak Mountain State Park
02/06/22: Moss Rock Hike and Tacos ( hike and/or social time)
02/12/22: Vulcan Trail Walk and Stretch, then Lunch at Ted's
02/13/22: MTB Ride at Cahaba River Park (Family & Friends)
02/19-02/20/22: Backpacking 101 at Flagg Mountain
02/27/22: Hike the Cheaha Mountain - Alabama Highpoint and Cave Creek Loop
Please feel free to email us your suggestions for future events
